
Color Grading a tv show SADEEM in Pixelhouse

Sadeem is a 30-episode documentary that aims to inform viewers of the successes of humanity in all areas of life and how their efforts have enabled them to uncover some of the mystery of the universe, focusing on the giant step towards Mars, United Arab Emirates.

Color Grading Sadeem TV show

Shot in Sony FS7
Colorist - Sudip Shrestha

Colour grading is enhancing the raw image that was shot on film or digital media to present to an audience on different formats. It is the bridge between the camera and the screen. There is a technical translation aspect to it, as well as allowing for a creative side of the process. The cinematographer has a chance here to enhance the image for the audience to enjoy the intended vision of the film or program. Colour grading has replaced the ‘colour timing’ process that was previously done in a film laboratory.

The role of the colourist is to help enhance that image and to be the cinematographer’s ‘hands’ by understanding his vision and making sure the audience will see the program or film in the way the cinematographer intended it be viewed. The colourist has a responsibility to convey the cinematographer’s intent. Obviously we (colourists) give creative input and have the technical know-how to carry out this process.