Sudip Shrestha - Digital Colourist

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DIT- digital image technician service in uae

Digital imaging technicians (DITs) help Director of photography D.O.P with the digital knowhow of the camera.

They advise the DoP on contrast, brightness and the effects of under or over-exposure, as these constraints are different from shooting with film. They also advise the camera crew on shots in progress, reporting any soft focus, framing issues or unwanted reflections and shadows.

They do quality control checks on the recorded material. Most digital footage on professional shoots is shot raw, which means it has no colour baked in and the colour is applied in post-production. DITs apply colour to the raw footage to give an idea of how it will look. And they might be asked to put it into a viewable file so the director can watch it on a tablet on the way home.

Key responsibility

  • Responsible to gather media and rushes from camera, copy and backup.

  • Check footage for issues & file corruption.

  • Convert to editable proxies and data management.

  • Camera Setup and LUT

  • VFX workflow management

  • Audio sync

    Now you can hire a DIT directly from
    We provide basic and advance DIT package to fit your production in all cities of UAE. For more information.

Most people think that working as a DIT is just dumping files but a lot more goes into it. It’s a lot more extensive, including applying Look Up Tables (LUTs), setting up the post-production workflow and providing quality control for the shoot.

“Additionally, when backing up footage and creating proxies, there are a lot of steps. You start the process on one batch of files, then later a separate batch when a new media card arrives. Most people don’t understand the juggling act that working as a DIT is.”